Quantum Network Simulation

Dan: Hello and welcome
to the quantum divide.

This is the podcast that talks about
the literal divide between classical it.

And quantum technology.

And the fact that these two domains.

Are will and need to
become closer together.

We're going to try and focus on.

Networking topics.

Quantum networking actually is
more futuristic than perhaps

the computing element of it.

But we're going to try
and focus on that domain.

But we're bound to experience many
different tangents both in podcast

topics and conversation as we go on.


Okay, Steve, how are you doing?

Steve: Same old doing.

Bit of a rough voice today, but should
be able to power through for an hour.

Dan: Good.


No, I'm looking forward
to this discussion.

Simulation to me can mean
so many different things and.

I know simulation in the traditional IT
world covers many different aspects of

virtualization and end-to-end systems.

I think it's probably gonna be quite
different in the quantum networking world.

So why don't we start first of all by just
getting a view on what network simulation

is for Quantum networks specifically.

Steve: Yeah.

For Quantum Networks, simulation
can mean a couple of things.

For me, it's about.

Simulating using software and executing
events in in some sequence, and then

processing those events in some way
so that you can learn particular

aspects of whatever you wanna simulate.

Both physical layer, talking about
how your simulation runs with respect

to a particular fiber loss parameter.

Or a particular noise parameter In
the hardware, there's a lot of aspects

you can simulate using physical layer
and all the other kind of models.

But use this primarily means
writing code that actually processes

events in another direction.

What people sometimes refer to as
simulation is taking a mathematical

model and then applying a mathematical
model to another mathematical model

in order to achieve some kind of.

Analytical equation to come up
with some trends on the plot,

which is also a form of simulation.

So we simulate applying mathematical
models to mathematical models and you

get nice curves that are smooth in most
cases, and they are executed very quickly.

Dan: Okay, let me take a step back for
a second just to compare to the tra the

traditional IT world simulation and.

Virtualized, building a virtualized
network to test a particular thing.

It's evolved significantly over the years.

It used to be quite difficult to do
with the advent of virtualization with

the advent of virtual software images.

These days when you simulate a network,
you are literally taking software versions

of network nodes as they would run in
hardware or in software in production.

And because they all connect
typically via native.

Ethernet connections, which can
be simulated in a virtual switch.

You get a real replica of the network,
with the same software features

that you would have in production.

And it is a carbon copy typically
or at least a cut down version of

the different elements of the network
so you can test particular features.

Obviously it's used for, those types
of things are used for training and

education and simulating tests and
simulating changes that you then want to

implement into production and that kind
of thing with quantum networks, that

the software to run the actual nodes
doesn't really exist in a standard format

or any productized format anywhere.

You still have the same
number of layers to deal with.

I e physical forwarding
of packets or qubits.

And then decision making.

Each node has to have some type of
intelligence in the way that it is

receiving the qubits, sending the
qubits, dealing with the qubits building

entanglement and those kind of things.

But We can't really compare the two, can
we and say that they're similar, right?

They're both forms of simulation, but
the quantum simulation, from what I can

tell there's, it's much more theoretical.

And that's understandable
because of where we are in terms

of market maturity and so on.


Steve: Yeah that's exactly
how I see it as well.

So like you said, the classical networks,
they have well-defined layers We have

operating systems, they have software
involved with those things, and we're not

really at the stage of classical networks
anymore, where we actually care much about

fiber loss in the channel, or at least
at the simulation stage for the general

population, we're mostly con concerned
about how do we control the network and

upgrade the protocols for communication.

But the physical hardware, that's
a separate class for most people.

But in quantum networks, That's pretty
much all we care about right now is

how does the physical layer affect the
protocol we're trying to implement?

Because we have theoretical ideas on
how to write a protocol that achieves

some property, perfect security, blind
computation, all these things that

require transmission of quantum bits.

But when you introduce noise, then a
lot of things fall apart and we don't

have protocols to accommodate for noise.

So therefore we only care
about the noise we care about.

So how to we care about how to
modify our protocols so that

we can deal with the noise.

So first we need to know how
does noise affect the protocol?

And that's the stage of quantum network.

So we mostly simulate for that property.

And also the layers above the physical
layer are not really well defined

anyway, so the virtualization of
network nodes is not ready yet.

So it might be one company build a
network, virtualizer, second company

build, but those won't have anything
in common because there's no standards.

And so that's too early
I would say for that.

But it's coming.

I think especially for quantum key
distribution, we can probably start

thinking about, this is overlap between
the classical because we're beyond

the point where, We don't understand
what the physical layer does to Q kd.

We're past that stage.

We know what it does, and now
we need to start thinking about

programming the Q KD network.

And that's when this classical an analogy,
just classical software can come in.

Dan: So we can't compare 'em because
they're not really doing the same

thing, even though it's still a network.

Like you said, it really is More
of a physical layer set of models.

And noise.

You mentioned noise.

It's the same with
quantum computing, right?

There's so much noise and we're
still learning how to deal with it.

That, error correction is
improving it's efficacy.

But it's still not good enough
where we can achieve what we call a

logical qubit, which is essentially
errorless and can function reliably.

Quite often the number of logical
qubits you have are smaller

than the physical qubits, right?

Because there's gonna be a
percentage of error rate.

But that's improving over time.

It's probably the same
with the network, right?


We can talk about that in a minute.

I think noise is a really good topic
cuz that's, if this is the key of the

way that software is written at the
moment is to learn and plan how to

deal with noise in the network, then
we should definitely focus on that.

But first of all why
do we need simulation?

I mean there's the obvious fact that
hardware doesn't exist yet and that We

can do things like feasibility tests of
the way different nodes interact with

each other, but ultimately when it comes
down to testing the systemic function

of a network the way that the different
nodes interact the the forwarding.

Whether there's entanglement and so
on, isn't it difficult to effectively

simulate all of this in software?

And if that's the case, then isn't there
a huge amount of work that's gonna take

place in simulation, which actually
isn't gonna be useful when it comes

to putting it into physical systems?

Or is the simulation part
of the product development?

Steve: Yeah, for me, Perspective
is simulation is essential.

Definitely for the first reason
you said, we don't have the

hardware to test our protocols.

We don't know if they're gonna work.

So we always have to model these
systems and then, once they're modeled

on paper using mathematical equations,
being able to really interact with

those models in an efficient way,
in my opinion, requires simulation.

And then we can understand how
the hardwares behave when you

interconnect things and put things
together and see how does it work.

In a kind of a, in an engineering setting,
but in a simulated engineering setting.

But the other part, so thinking about
the efficiency of the simulations,

one thing that networks have an
advantage over quantum computing

simulations is a lot of the systems
are much smaller size, so we don't

need to simulate huge entangled states.

So in quantum computing, The
classical limit is about 20 qubits

of entangled quantum states.

Maybe you can get to 40 or something.

It depends on how implementation is
made, but certainly less than something

like 50 in a normal supercomputer, it is
about 50 qubits of entangled states, but

in quantum networks, we're not really
dealing with massive entangled states.

Maybe it's 10 qubits, GHG states.

But even that is rare.

Generally we're just working with bell
pairs, and that's just a small matrix

and many copies of the small matrix.

So you can do much more complicated things
with more independent quantum systems.

So the efficiency is actually not too bad.

That doesn't mean it's perfect.

It is a lot of things that
come with the overhead.

It's not only now do we need to
consider, what does the protocol do.

A lot of the network features
involve timing aspects.

So you also have to think about how
you measure time in the simulation.

That's a big aspect.

And that could be done efficiently
or it can be done inefficiently.

So there's different ways to
do it, depending on what you

need your simulation to do.


And so we can get into the
topic of how time is tracked in

network simulation or quantum.

So it's a quite interesting
topic actually, I think.

So there's two ways that really
we do timing in quantum network

simulation and the primarily used one
is called discrete event simulation.

And the main benefit of discrete event
simulation is you don't have to wait the

amount of time your simulation takes,
if you're in your simulation, takes.

A year, you don't actually
have to wait a year.

You simulate the time so that a year
can pass in a much more efficient way.

Not only that is you can define
your unit of time much more easily.

So you can trigger things to happen
at, whatever unit scale you want.

If you need things to trigger microsecond
units, you can program it to do that.

And then what happens is an
event is triggered and then.

A random amount of time is
programmed to be delayed.

You don't actually wait that much time.

You just, the simulation engine will say
Next event happened some amount of time

later, and this happens very quickly
and your simulation runs very efficient.

On the other hand, there's the real
time event simulation where you lose

the track of when events are triggered
because you're running things based

on how fast your computer can execute.

There you really don't have control
over the timing aspects unless you put

a layer of timing on top, of course.

But in the raw form of real event, real
time event simulation, you're basic

working at the speed of your CPU U.

And there's advantages to that too.

It makes it easier to do things
like distributed simulation.

So if you have a network of
computers working together to

simulate a network, it's much more
easy to develop this kind of thing.

Using real time simulation and yeah, so
both have advantages and disadvantages.

Primarily we're using discretion
advanced simulation because we're,

we just wanna know how does the
physical layer affect the protocol?

But when we're thinking about things
like actually implementing communication

protocols and we don't really think
about the noise in those cases, then

the real time event simulation has an
advantage that you can actually put.

Messages to the internet and
come back down and run things in

a more networky way, let's say.

Dan: Okay, so that covers some of
the kind of elements of the way.

Thinking about time is different when
it comes to quantum network simulation.

What would help me, I think, is
to get a feel for what a simulated

quantum network looks like.

And by that in the traditional world
I may have a number of different

nodes each with their own os
there's connections between them.

There's traffic being sent and routing
protocols between the different nodes.

I understand that we're looking down at
them more of the hardware layer, but what

is it that builds up let's say a generic.

Network simulation.


Obviously there are the nodes have some
kind of software, some code running,

but can you give us a view on what
that would look like and what types of

connections they have between each other?

I imagine there's a quantum and a
classical channel of some kind, and

I know that there are methodologies
out there or frameworks so perhaps

that could, we could flow onto that
as the next next topic as well.

Steve: Yeah, I think in general,
most of these frameworks all have

the same core ideas and how they
implement those core ideas is

different depending on the framework.

But there's a lot of overlap
between the frameworks as well.

So generally, you start with having
to define the network topology.

So that means setting up all the
nodes, piece by piece, defining

the connections between the nodes,
and then next step is define the

properties for each of those pieces.

So you say, what's the
loss of the channel?

How much noise does the channel introduce?

How that noise is introduced.

There's a lot of properties,
depending on the components.

Then you can think about things
like, how are the nodes implemented?

What components do the nodes have?

Do they have X hardware,
y hardware included?

So you have to set up all those
pieces before you start writing

the logic of the simulation.

Then that's the next step is to
write the logic of the simulation.

Each node has a functionality.

You program the functionality and then
you assign the functionality to the nodes

that should execute that functionality.

And then you run the simulation and you
wait for some time wait for it to finish.

All the events get triggered.

Then you have some statistics out.

Depends how you program it,
but that's usually how it goes.

Depends on the simulation framework, but
some parts, are more in depth than others.

And the simulation engines that
exist today that are more commonly

used, those are primarily for
discrete event simulation, but there

are also other realtime simulator.

So for me, my favorite one
right now is called net squid.

And Net squid is a discrete event
simulation engine uses qubits

for the information processing
and the information and codings.

Not all of 'em use qubits by the way.

That's an important feature.

You could also do things using
continuous variable systems with

other simulators or different encoding
methods, but nets coded uses a, an

abstract qubit model that it's not really
defined how the qubit is implemented.

It's just a qubit.

Is it a photon?

Is it an electron?

Is it a superconductor somehow it's just
a qubit and it goes through the network.

We don't know what it's made out of.

But it has a lot of features, a lot
of power, a lot of diver diversity.

I don't know, you can do a
lot of cool things with it.

A lot of the modules are already
programmed into the system or

into the engine, and you just Lego
them together and to build your

simulation with all the components.

And then, it's not easy at first.

It takes a lot of learning to figure out
how to use NetCode and do use it properly.

But once you learn it, it's
really powerful and you can

really simulate complex systems.

And then on the other hand, there's a
qim, which is a realtime event simulator

that takes away all the complexity
of network simulation and makes it

as easy as possible to get started.

Qim is more of an educational tool, but
it still has those kind of core properties

where you have to define the topology and
write the logic for each of the nodes.

But you have to wait a little longer
for the simulation to run because

it's running at the speed of the
computer running the simulation.

Yeah, and so there are two others
that I'll mention is the Q K D net

sim, which simulates the layers above
the physical layer, specifically

to determine how to implement a
quantum key distribution network.

So it's gives you the bits
in the classical form.

It has nothing to do
with the physical layer.

You're actually ignoring the
physical layer and the simulator.

But it allows you to implement
the software layer of the quantum

key distribution network and
simulate that part of the network.

And then the last one I'll
mention is called Sequence.

And this I'm not as familiar
with, but as far as I understand,

it's more about the optics.

So looking at the physical components,
More closely than in net squid, and

you're talking about real qubit models.

This is a photons using like time being
encoding or polarization and coatings.

You have photon detectors and all these
really optical components and they're

explicitly defined as optical components.

So it really, at the layer of the
lab, you're basically simulating

an optical table at this point.


It's harder to grasp than squid,
I'd say, because you need to know

what is a single photon source,
what is the photon detector?

How do you encode information
and time being encode photon?

So it's much more involved.

But on the end then you get more accuracy.

You have the realism a lab
essentially in your, on your computer.

But there's, so there's different levels
of difficulty, different levels of

realism and different uses for each one.

Dan: So there isn't one size fits all.

It depends on what you want to simulate.

It sounds like net squid might be
the one that allows you to do all

of the layers, or at least have
better control all of the layers.

But yeah, you said that's got a, it's
more com complex to manage and learn.


Let me go onto, Something
that the methodologies do.

You mentioned earlier on simulating noise.

So some of them perhaps CNET sim,
perhaps there is no need for noise

simulation because it's more about
the logical interaction between

qubits and the different components.

That the case?

And what about the other ones
where they are more there's more.

Detailed control over the noise, what
kind of level of things are you tuning?

Is it about th you know, things
in a physical fiber that cause

loss are connector loss, intrinsic
absorption of photons and things.

But is it probably doesn't go
to that physical layer, right?

It's more about x number of photons
are lost between Certain points,

and therefore the nodes have to
be able to deal with that somehow.

Is it, I'm thinking of it
like packet loss, photon loss

Steve: And so the ones that have more
details, so actually each of these network

simulators handle loss in some way.

So each one has their way of handling
noise and loss in, in the network.

And most of them are at the
qubit level except q kd net sim.

So lemme talk about the ones
that do it at the q qubit level.

Dan: Okay.

Steve: generally, the way you would
model this is you have your channel.

In the programming languages, you can
say error, you can set the error model.

An error model acts cubit by qubit.

So it says, when the qubit enters the
channel, apply this error model to it

and apply it with some probability.

And that's really a low level.

So you're looking at really the
bits, the bits in the packet.

It's not like you have packet lost, you
have like bits and the payload are lost.

And there's no way to know, There's no
way to, to read the header, and do a check

sum and say, okay the packet was corrupt.

It's like the qubits arrive
and they're just missing.

Dan: Yeah, you can't read them

Steve: exactly.

So there's like tricks and stuff
in practice, but generally you

don't know that there's a loss.

There's loss, but you don't know
immediately you have to do some

procedure and you might not even know
until you measure the entire system.

Because you might need to think
about the frequency of transmission

and the frequency of detection.

So if those things don't match,
if you're measuring, if you're

sending one per second and you
receive one every two seconds, maybe

some of levels are lost anyway.

But generally it's still
harder to deal with.

. Little harder to understand
loss and how to deal with loss

in quantum networks in general.

But then in simulation, at
least you have the ability to.

Think about those things because
of course in simulation you have

this, god-like ability to understand
exactly which every event that occurs.

With losses and you can
program something to happen.

But in practice, we
don't have that overview.

You don't know when loss is gonna happen.

So that's still like always in,
under the umbrella of physical air

simulation because we don't know
how to deal with that problem.

And then as an exception, there's
the qk d net sim, which says

the packet had X amount of loss.

Do what you want.

The packet still arrived.

There's still something in the payload,
but you now you have to do the processing

in the whatever way you program it to do.

It just, you could set that
loss parameter, but it's not

at the qubit level anymore.

It's just a number.

In the packet originally was
a hundred thousand qubits.

When it arrived, they were a thousand.

What to do, so that's a detected event
and you can program it accordingly.

Dan: So what's, what's what's
the general impact from this loss

in, . These simulated situations be
because you can't necessarily read

the qubits to check that they're
okay as they come into the interface.

Is it a matter of needing to run the
whatever the calculation or processes that

is being run onto the qubits and then if
there are any missing, then it will fail.

And that's why you run certainly on a
quantum computer, multiple shots to get

a better probability spectrum of where.

What the answer is, if you like,
but when you've now got introducing

loss over the network that's gonna
affect the resulting curve, isn't

it, of what the responses look like.

So it's gonna make the, calculation
that's made across a network is going

to be more Error prone basically.

Is that the end result or are
you only looking at the situation

where the calculations are
local to the individual node?

Steve: Yeah, this is tricky.

So this is depends on what
application you're simulating.

So for Q K D loss, generally we
program loss into the simulation to

determine the rate of key distribution.

So we would say, okay, every fifth
qubit is lost, that it decreases

the ability to generate key.

So per transmission, we can transmit on
average, some number of bits, but because

of loss, that number could go down.

So every fifth qubit is lost.

Then we decrease the average
rate of transmission.

Same with entanglement, distribution.

Entanglement doesn't contain any
information, so we're not doing

anything logical, but it with
more loss decreases the rate of.

Entanglement distribution with things
like distributed quantum computing

simulation, then you might start to
think about that statistical curve of how

the measurement results were laid out.

And then noise.

What happens with loss
is you have to retry.

So usually in distributed quantum
computing, you need to establish

entanglement between nodes, and if that
takes longer to do more noises in the

system and you have more noisy outputs.

Yeah, so that's the kind of the reason
we, the primary reason we're doing we're

introducing losses, yet always study
what happens to the physical systems.

And generally, at least the things I
work on is because the primary goal

of condoms right now is to enable
entanglement, distribution, or do Q K

D primarily, we're looking at key rates
or entanglement, distribution rates,

and that's what the loss parameter.

Is basically four.

Dan: Okay.

Let's talk about
simulation of entanglement.

To me it would just mean in a
simulator if something's entangled.

You're just configuring the nodes so that
they re respond once there's a measurement

made on one side in a particular way.

And that if there are errors,
then you lose some of the bell

pairs that are being sent across.

Is it as simple as that or
is there some more complexity

to modeling the entanglement?

Like the rotation of the qubits
and the, in the superposition

state that they're in and so on.

Steve: Yeah, so simulating entanglement,
most of these simulators are simulating

density matrix we basically just model the
qubit using the density matrix formalism,

and then you can see exactly where's
the noise, but there's a little bit more

complexity to the it as well, because.

When you're simulating
entanglements, there's usually

more than one qubit involved.

Yes, there always is more than one qubit
involved in an entangled state, and you

don't want the programs to allow the nodes
to act on qubits that aren't physically

present at their simulated location.

So let's say I'm simulating Alice and Bob,
and Alice generates two qubits, entangles

them and sends one of those qubits to Bob.

The simulation engine should
prevent Alice from acting on

Bob's qubit it's impossible.

If she doesn't have access
to it, it should block that.

So there's a bit of a layer of
not only what is the qubit state,

but where is that qubit also, who
owns that qubit and where is it?

Sorry, where is the qubit and
what's the state, let's say?

And yeah.

So we have to make sure in the
simulations that we're not cheating.

We're cheating always in simulation,
but not cheating to an extent

that this can never be done.

Alice can never act on Bob's cubit
if they're not close to each other.

Dan: Yeah, the results need
to be meaningful, right?

And if there are steps which are
taken, which are impossible in a

physical deployment, when and if that's
possible to replicate what's being

done in the simulation, then it needs
to be, it needs to be meaningful.

So it needs to be as
realistic as possible.

You mentioned density matrix, so
I understand that to be a matrix,

i e a mathematical matrix that
describes the quantum state.

Of the system, is that per qubit
or is it for the whole system?

In which case that would cover
multiple qubits and matrices obviously

can get very big in that case.

Steve: Yeah, this is the, this was the,
one of the key advantages of network

simulation is it's generally per cubit
until entanglement is created, then you

need to expand the density matrix, but.

Network simulation.

We don't deal with massive
entangled states like I was saying.

So therefore you, it is pure, it's pure
system, let's say pure entangled system,

but not all of the system at once.

I think that would be very that would
make it probably impossible because

you, in simulations, you're generating
thousands of qubits, maybe millions

of qubits in a simulated fashion.

It could be that they
all exist at once and.

Then you have no way to, to simulate
that, but you can easily simulate

1,000,002 by two matrices, and
those would represent a cubit or

four by four, which is a bell pair.

Dan: Yeah.




Steve: yeah, that's one big
advantage for network simulation.

It's easier to achieve somehow.

Dan: Okay.

Did, do you answer my question about
the simulation of entanglement?

I think so.

If you lose One part of if Bob's
part of the entangled pair is lost on

route, then the simulator also needs
to take that into account, right?

So that if Alice makes a measurement
then it doesn't have any impact to

anything that, that Bob is holding.

And Bob can't make the the measurement
on the supposed qubit that would've

arrived had there not been lost.

And I think we're too early on to have
any you actually h how, in that scenario

how would de node that Bob has Tell
Alice that it, they didn't receive the

other end of the entangled pair is there
some bidirectional information flow

there, maybe over the classical channel
to there needs to be some kind of.

Tagging of qubits or some
identification of qubits.

Is that stuff simulated at
this point in time as well?

Steve: So then, yeah, so what's
interesting is this is exactly what

needs to be developed to perform
entanglement distribution in reality.

So how does Bob act
when the qubit is lost?

How do they, how does Bob even
know that the qubit was lost?

So those things actually come
down to realistic things,

that's no longer simulation.

We still have to write the protocols
in order to deal with that.

When the cubit is lost in
simulation, it's in practice,

in the scope of the simulation.

It's also lost.

It means Bob can't access it, Alice can't
access it, and the simulation should

determine that none of the parties can
access it and they should prevent it from

happening in, in the simulation engine.

Then the question is,
how does Bob respond?

Maybe he's waiting x amount of
seconds before the cubit arrives.

If he detects nothing, he will
send a message back to Alice.

But that's the protocol, that's what
the instructions has to be programmed.

And it's up to the author of
the simulator to write those

instructions and handle laws.

So what someone might do is they might
come up with a protocol for what to

do when the entanglement pair is lost.

And their response is, their
coordination approach is much

better than someone else's approach.

And then you write a paper and
you show, my attainment rate.

With this loss parameter is
two fi two factor, better than

what pre previously was stated.

So it's, it comes down to what's
the protocol, what's the idea

and what to do with this loss.

So the simulator just gives you
the fact that there is loss.

How you respond to loss is
up to the creative author.

So the creativity of the office.

Dan: It seems total chaos at the moment.

Like in terms of the, in, in anything
that comes out in a paper like that

the amount of variables in the system
how it's developed, the measurements

they're taking, the rate, the compute
capabilities they've got the mathematical

equations underpinning it or.

All of these things are variable,
so it's incredibly hard to when you

see something like that, that and
you do see, a paper on some kind of

incremental improvement on a previous
behavior or a new type of outcome.

You've got to almost take people's
word for it because the complexity

behind it is so difficult.

Unless you're a PhD in in physics
and have been studying this for a

long time it might be easier for
you than to me, I would think.

But is there still a level of assuming
that correlations and things are all.


And statements on
improvements are factual.

Steve: Yeah, this is interesting topic.

So usually when you have a paper that
is about, the results are based on a

simulation, usually what it looks like is
there's a protocol written explicitly so

you can read exactly what the instructions
are, and then the results are, we

programmed those instructions into the
simulation and then ran the simulation.

And this is what came out.

I don't like when, and I'm also guilty of
this, so I should, be careful with my own

word when there's the papers like that.

And I have papers like that where
the simulation code is not public,

and there's multiple reasons
why that could not be public.

For example, when you work at a company
like I do, you have to go through some

hoops to get your code open source.

It's not always difficult, but
it's also not always trivial.

It's not always worth
the time of doing it.

And actually many papers, they, they have
this flow where the code is not available.

Can you actually.

Validate, can I go and read the code
to see that this is the protocol

that was implemented and these
are the results that were out?

Or can I just go on, generate this trend
using some plotting library, and then I

just copy and paste the co copy and paste
the chart and put it in my paper and say,

look, it's better than state of the art.

So there's always, there is some level
of trust where you say, I believe that

these authors went and wrote the code,
and they wrote it correctly, bug free,

and now you know that's the result
and it's better than what was before.

don't like it.

I think every simulation paper should
have the code explicit so anyone

can go and verify that the results
are what they're supposed to be.

Dan: But even then who's going to
check all the different simulators to

check the, the algorithms the code the
processes in the code and so on The

methodology people write code differently.

And they might have the same outcome,
but the code is very different to read.

It's almost like there, there needs to be
some kind of standard simulator framework.

I mean you mentioned these, the frameworks
earlier on that squid you sim and so on.

Then I guess they're
all different as well.

And in a lot of cases we're talking about.

A simulator where the researcher
has written it themselves rather

than used a public framework.

Is there enough in these simulation
frameworks that are open source or

close to open source that can help
solve that issue where there's a big

chasm between knowing whether you
are comparing apples and apples, when

looking at different simulation outcomes.

Steve: At the moment, there's not really.

Such a way that you can kinda
standardize the simulations.

But with one exception, I think
net squid is, at least it was

putting in this direction.

I don't know what's the status
of, they're still working on this,

but they have this idea of modules
of, or plugins, for example.

So if you want to build your own
entanglement distribution protocol,

you can define that as a plugin, put it
into the net squid framework, and then.

Other people can use it as well.

So if everyone is sharing the same
modules and then improving on a

protocol, can almost trust that a bit
more because other people have used it.

It's been through some review.

It's not the first time someone
uses it and it's open source

and everyone can read the code.

So I like that idea, like being able to
take other people's work, put it into your

own work, play around with it, modify it.

And then say look, it's just a
epsilon difference moving before,

but it's this much improvement
in the protocol that changed so

much code from the previous works.

It's a little bit of a smaller step than
writing your own simulation framework

and then running your simulations on
that framework and then saying, look, I

have these nice crafts, and it's pretty
common with quantum because the tools

are hard to use, but it's sometimes
easier just to write your own framework

to do exactly what you need it to do.

Because you know how to do it instead
of spending like two weeks or a

month learning another framework.

It's a rough area.

I think it's still something
that needs to be improved.

Dan: Yeah so many unknowns.

And questions when it comes to
evaluating what gets put out there.


It's gonna be interesting to
see how it evolves over time.

Steve: But if you look towards the
quantum computing, I think it probably

started off in that stage as well.

But as the engines got more
powerful, like Kiki, there's

probably over a thousand papers
written based on Kiki at this point.

And I think what step needs to
be taken is someone has to right

kikid for quantum networks.

There has to be a powerful
simulation engine well supported.

Lots of effort put in, make it
look as good as possible, easy to

use documentation that will get
people attracted to the simulation

framework, and that's what we need.

So right now things are half
dead, not maintained, bugs not of

documentation, too hard to use.

That's quantum network simulation.

So it's it's not an a
peaceful environment.

His kid, on the other hand,
is so well developed, so much.

Involvement, community, everything.

That's how we need quantum
network simulation to be, I think.

Dan: Yeah.


So is it worth I wanted to ask
about repeaters and I'm not sure

where, I don't want to go into
the topic of what a repeater is.

It's a node that is Basically used to
extend the link length of connecting

multiple nodes but using entanglement,
and let's not go into the detail

of how it works, but when it comes
to simulation is there anything

special about simulating a repeater?

Have you seen any have you seen
anything in any of those frameworks

about simulating repeaters?

Or are we not there yet?

Steve: I would say, actually, I would
say simulations of quantum repeaters

is probably 50% of the papers that
come out doing that effectively.

Dan: All right.

Steve: because it's a combination though.

It's a two, two directional
to the same path.

So simulation of a quantum repeater
is done for analyzing how well an

entanglement distribution protocol is.

Using quantum repeaters.

And then on the other hand is the
physical aspects of the quantum repeater.

How is the performance of it, depending
on the memory or the detection,

efficiency, all kinds of things.

So that's, it's really popular to simulate
quantum repeaters because it's the core

of almost everything at quantum internet.

Yeah there's.

I can think of a few papers that
have like high impact that are based

on simulation of quantum repeaters.

Dan: Yeah we'll put those
in the show notes, right?

I think that'd be good to include
that in the show notes for

people to read as a follow up.

Now, one thing you've mentioned
multiple times is entanglement

distribution protocol.

Again, the same question around
standardization, or I probably

shouldn't use that word.

I would say conformity of the way people
modeling entanglement, distribution

protocol, and it's probably different
across the, each of the frameworks.

What it, what are your views
on what needs to be defined

there to make it common again?

It is it part of the Kiki for
networks that you mentioned?

IBM aren't paying us for
this, but it would be.

they could sponsor us next time,
the amount of times to mention it.


So could you do, could you talk a bit more
about entanglement distribution protocol?

I know it's a core part of the way the
repeaters and the nodes need to work.

It's almost like the IP I see it of
traditional IP routed networking.

The IP needs to work.

Effectively end-to-end, and the
nodes that are on the network need to

interoperate up and down the stack and
be able to communicate in a set way.

And I guess that's what's
required here, isn't it?

Because the, once the entangled
pairs are set up, then that then

allows you to do the higher order
operations using that functionality.

Steve: Yeah, so it's the way qubits
are transmitted are using this

entanglement, distribution teleportation
with the repeaters to form long

distance entanglement connections.

But the way that entanglement
is distributed, in practice we

can think of, okay, a cubit is
generated, another one is generated.

We entangle them, we send
half to second person.

They have the everything could be done in
this noiseless fashion and in simulation

you could cheat on so many things.

For example, the classical messaging
involved for producing an entangled pair

is almost always ignored in simulation.

So what messages do Allison Bob need to
say that they're reliably agreeing That

the entangled pair, that Alice, half
of the entangled pair that Alice sent

to Bob is the same one that was sent
and it's there and it's ready to use.

In simulation you could ignore all of
that messaging and you just perform your

operations cuz it's an event and you can
use your god-like ability of simulation to

de determine that those events happened.

So my point there is this the protocol,
the integrity distribution protocol

includes those classical messaging parts.

And that part is what I, the,
that's what I call the entanglement

distribution protocol includes both.

The transmission of the quantum me
states, plus the classical messaging

on top, that can allow Alice and Bob
to know, yes, those entanglement units

are there and they're ready to operate.

Feel free to send me the
next message kind of thing.


Dan: Yeah.

Steve: like a handshake.

Dan: And who's working on that?

It sounds like in all the simulators,
they're ignoring it because perhaps it

hasn't been standardized and it's too
complex to, to create your own version.

Why bother?

Just assume that it works and therefore
the user of the simulator can start to

think about the more higher order stuff.

But in the real world, none of
that's gonna work until there's

a stable ability to do this.

To distribute the entangled
pairs and manage them right.

Steve: Exactly.

So it's like finding
the best case scenario.

That's likely impossible, but still
is the best case scenario, non-zero.

That's the goal.

If I do this and I don't even
need classical messaging yet,

can I achieve my protocol?

At all.

And then you, it only gets worse
as you add classical messaging.

The performance only degrades.

So I think that's why it's
still meaningful, because you

thinking is it even possible?


In some aspect, and then you make
it harder for yourself by adding

noise, by adding classical messaging,
and it just gets worse and worse.

But you need to raise the bar
quite high before you can bring

it down to the realistic level
and still be off the ground,

Dan: I think what we're highlighting here
is that there's so many areas that need

that need to evolve for an end-to-end
system, for a quantum internet to exist

right in, in talking about simulation
like this, it's quite eyeopening.

To highlight the gaps.

Certainly been useful for me
to think about them with you,

so thanks Steve, as usual.

Is there anything else you
wanted to add to tag on the end?

I guess we could always
come back to simulation

In the future as things evolve,
if there's any big jumps in what

code and software is out there and
developments people are making.

Thanks so much.

It's a fascinating topic with so
many unknowns and lots of ambiguity.

Steve: Yep.


Great chat as always.

We'll catch you next time.

Dan: I'd like to take this moment to
thank you for listening to the podcast.

Quantum networking is such a broad domain
especially considering the breadth of

quantum physics and quantum computing all
as an undercurrent easily to get sucked

into So much is still in the research
realm which can make it really tough for

a curious it guy to know where to start.

So hit subscribe or follow me on your
podcast platform and I'll do my best

to bring you more prevalent topics
in the world of quantum networking.

Spread the word.

It would really help us out.

Creators and Guests

Dan Holme
Dan Holme
Quantum curious technologist and student. Industry and Consulting Partnerships at Cisco.
Stephen DiAdamo
Stephen DiAdamo
Research scientist at Cisco, with a background in quantum networks and communication.
Quantum Network Simulation
Broadcast by