Quantum networking at AWS. An interview with Juan Moreno.
Dan: okay, and welcome to the next
episode of the Quantum Divide.
I'm on my own again this week, but
I'm very happy to be joined by...
Juan Moreno from AWS.
I'm really looking forward
to this conversation.
We've been building up to this
for a while, and I think we've got
some great topics on the table.
Juan, you're a, a developer evangelist
or a developer advocate for the
quantum networking team at AWS.
let's start like we normally do.
Give us a bit of an overview, who you
are, what your role is, and we'll go
Juan: from there.
Sure thing.
Yeah both terms are okay.
Developer advocate or
technology evangelist.
Depending on who I talk
to, I use one or the other.
And I've been with the quantum
technologies team in AWS for the past
three years, both in quantum computing
first and lately in the last year or so
in the center for quantum networking,
that is more focused on networks.
But basically I've been over 10 years
with AWS overall, it's been half of
my career in this company so far.
Dan: Fantastic.
So how did you get into quantum?
Juan: Yeah.
That was, that's a bit of
an unconventional path for
me, I'm curious in nature.
I like to read and to learn new things.
And in August 2020 AWS
launched Amazon Braket.
That is the service for which we
give access to Various quantum
computers to customers with a
single development environment.
So they can test them and so on.
And at the time, I was just basically
checking around this new service.
What it is about.
I didn't know much about quantum
computing or quantum mechanics whatsoever.
And I started to get involved
with it and learn it.
And it was a good feat in the sense
that as you very well known, this
is a very academic in In at, at
the heart of it, at the core of
it is very academic environment.
So it fit well for me to come and
bridge that gap between the industry
and the academy and try to explain
these concepts to people that are
not necessarily familiar with quantum
mechanics and how quantum computing
and how quantum networking works.
So I started to co collaborate
first informally with the team
and then in a more formal way
in, in the role that I do today.
Dan: I think any kind of education
and communication around quantum
mechanics into an IT company is
probably one of the most difficult
jobs on the market right now.
Just because of the breadth and the
depth of understanding that's needed.
Do you have a, how did you tackle that?
I understand you've got a
background in physics, right?
But that's fairly recent.
Did you do that in order
to launch into this
Juan: role?
That's right.
It's been in parallel.
Actually, my background is in
something completely different.
So I realized very early that this
wouldn't be like, I don't know,
learning Kubernetes or networking
concepts, classical networking concepts.
I really need a good foundation
of linear algebra and
basically the theory behind it.
You can work without it.
But if you really want to
explain things to others.
In a way they can understand it's
better to build a good foundation.
So in this case I started to study
physics a couple of years ago, just to
be able to level up my conversation with
people that are obviously a lot more
knowledgeable than I am on this field
and be that, I don't know the voice of
trust or credibility that probably AWS
customers want when they are discussing
a such important project like this one.
Dan: Very good.
Hey, let's, you mentioned Braket,
let's go on to AWS now a little bit
and yeah everybody knows AWS, right?
Your cloud services, your pay
as you go cloud services, the
infrastructure, global infrastructure.
What about AWS getting into
quantum in general, what can you
say about that as a, as an intro?
Juan: Yeah, so it's a little
bit similar to a similar story.
I would happen with AWS.
First people used to say
Amazon is just selling books.
And now you guys are getting
into the cloud and renting space
for people to do computation.
What is all that about?
It's a similar journey in the
sense that the easiest answer
that I can give you is that.
Customers are really asking for it.
So that's why we want
to go into this space.
There are certain um, advancements
and interesting fields of study in
quantum computing that we're starting
to put together the 1st prototypes and
very R and D based quantum computers.
And we wanted to be part of it
and especially see how this could
be useful for our customers.
We build Amazon Braket as a way to try to
democratize the access to these computers
and lower the entry barrier to, for
people to use them, um, and change the
typical payment method or payment model
that is used in the industry to something
more AWS like in the pay as you go.
So customers can try different
types of computers and.
And decide whether they, which one
is better for them, according to
their experiments and try different
things in a pay as you go model.
But since this is a very academic
kind of environment, we also
started to participate actively in
building our own quantum computer.
We have a team at the Center
for Quantum Computing.
Based in Pasadena, that is actually
working in a superconducting loops
type of quantum computer to try to
add that to the community and our own
effort on putting a computer out there.
That's besides Braket and probably
the other part that is important
is the quantum solutions lab that
is our professional services team.
And those guys, what they do is
basically work with a problem of the
customer backwards, trying to build
POCs that are quantum computing related.
Sometimes they are also HPC related or
even machine learning related problems,
depending on the kind of goal that the
customer want to achieve, but they want
to get the customers quantum ready.
In terms of quantum computing, by the time
these computers are ready and they focused
on that, um, and my favorite group is the
one that I work right now, the quantum
networks and the Center for quantum
networking started over a year ago.
What we do is basically investigate
the potential integration of quantum
networks in real environments
and integration in the cloud.
When we talk about short span networks,
but also we have an R and D team similar
to the center for quantum computing,
but for networking that are working
in prototypes and doing R and D work
on longer networks that span yeah.
Bigger distances.
That's in a
Dan: Yeah, great.
Yeah, lots of things to dive into there.
I guess.
First of all, look quantum
computer superconducting computer.
I didn't know that , you guys
were developing something there.
So that's pretty exciting.
Juan: it's pretty cool.
It's very interesting technology.
I'd say I'm hoping that one day we'll
be able, we will be able to, to yeah.
Put it out there.
The blueprint is there already.
This is 100 pages paper that explains
exactly what's our idea for it.
And it's available for people to see.
And maybe one day we'll
be part of Braket as well.
Dan: All right.
Very good.
So with Braket, I understand.
You're leveraging the best of the cloud,
you're providing what I would call,
the middleware between the user, the
developer, and the quantum computer,
you're democratizing the access to it, um,
but what does Braket do on top of that?
Does it have its own, Coding language.
I believe it doesn't it?
Is there some
Juan: right in order to make
it easy for people to use?
We don't want them to learn a different
language for each computer, right?
That is sometimes one of the
things that is stop adoption.
I have to learn a whole new language if
I work with this vendor or that vendor.
So what we do is to unify
everything In the Amazon Braket
language, that is Python based.
And basically, if you are dealing, for
example, with with circuit based or
universal gates type of quantum computer,
you basically can change your end point.
And see how the other device
behaves for the same circuit without
having to change anything else.
And that's handy.
And on top of that, we
offer simulators as well.
So you can tune the noise.
If you want adding noise or remove noise,
you have various types of simulations.
You can do before you jump into the
actual real device and all that.
As I said, it's with the same code as
long as the technology supports it.
Dan: Got it.
Hey, I'm sure we could talk
about Braket for the whole call.
But I know that we're here
to talk about networking.
So let's get into that.
I know we've got three or four
topics that we wanted to cover.
Let's start with the first
one, what is your team doing
when it comes to, , networking?
Quantum state over a network,
what, why is that important to you?
And why are you looking at it?
And what have you got in the skunk work
so to speak that you can talk about?
Juan: Yeah.
It's a very rich.
Interesting topic to answer the 1st
question, why we are getting into
quantum networks and investigating them.
It's because we believe there are
more secure ways of communication
looking into the future on what is
coming in the technology and how the
existing encryption mechanisms might
be under under the risk of being
threatened by the new quantum computers
that, Hopefully, 1 day will exist.
And we have a dedicated team in AWS,
the cryptography team that is working
very hard on post quantum cryptography
type of algorithms that basically use
more complex mathematical problems
to make sure that we create a cipher
suites that are synchronous There are
quantum safe as they are usually called.
But the focus of my team is on the,
in the hardware layer on trying to use
the properties of quantum mechanics to
ensure that the link is protected in a
way that do not depend on computational
complexity of an attack, but just taking
advantage of the properties of quantum
mechanics and the properties of light.
So on that line, we have Two main
teams, one of them is working
on quantum key distribution.
That is where most of my focus is.
And we basically want to test the existing
commercial off the shelf boxes that exist
today in the market that people can buy
and try and see how do they perform?
How do they compare to each other?
And how could they potentially
get integrated into the cloud?
That's an exciting line of work.
tHe rest of the team is the purely
hardcore R and D team that are working in
networks are more advanced, more complex,
but also more difficult to implement.
We have a team based in Boston and we have
an agreement, a collaboration agreement
with Harvard University to work and
In, in, in building a quantum repeater
or a quantum memory that is basically
going to allow to, to make long distance
communications with this possible.
And that's the other part of
the, of what my team does in the
center for quantum networking.
Dan: Yeah, that's a lot going on.
So let's start with the
other part of the team.
First of all, that you mentioned doing
the hardcore um,, networking, as you put
it I guess the purpose of that is to.
eventually enable customers to get to
the cloud over longer distances, perhaps.
But what is it they're doing with
the repeater, that they're developing
something from scratch or are
they putting something together?
Yeah, it's,
Juan: It's devised based on the
properties of silicon vacancies on
diamond which basically allow to retain
The state of the photon long enough
to be able To extend the distribution
of this estate to a longer distance or
at least duplicate at the very least.
What QK is capable by itself.
QK is a point to point type
of protocol and technology.
And what we are trying to do is to
extend that, um, it's a challenging task.
Obviously there are.
Making good progress and 1 of
the requirements is that it still
requires very low temperature.
So same as in with quantum computers.
For that reason Being able to create such
a repeater in a very uh, repeatable way.
, if I can use the word like that, or
a scalable way is a challenge because
basically you cannot put a dilution
refrigerator in a, every a hundred
kilometers or so, or in a submarine
cable or things like that today.
That's the main challenge.
So the main focus, one of the focus
of our investigation is to actually
try to make these things more.
More portable and the feature deployable
to create that the quantum internet, if we
want to call it that way that we all want.
Dan: You mentioned silicon vacancy.
The only other type of diamond
modality that I've heard
about is a nitrogen vacancy.
Do you know that?
Obviously there's a
different element in there.
And I think the nitrogen
vacancy ones don't need cooling
down with a refrigerator.
Is that, do you know the
differences between the two?
Juan: No, I only know that it's
related to scalability and the
choice of using silicon over nitrogen
when we want to do many of them.
But I don't know, not intimately familiar
with the differences or other challenges
on actually building the technology
with one or the other, unfortunately.
Dan: Every time I have a conversation
with somebody, I end up with multiple
things I need to study afterwards.
I think that's what I'm taking away today.
hEy, let's move on to your
domain in terms of QKD.
What's the overall strategy there?
And obviously you're a very
customer centric organization.
So I imagine you start from the customer.
work your way in.
So this must be driven towards
connectivity to the cloud.
Is that right?
Juan: That's right.
We want to see, we're in
gathering data mode at this point.
We want to see what customers want to do
with this listening to the different use
cases and how are they going to use it.
And we want to start to To help
the people who know about this to
interact with these customers and see
what are the issues they run into?
What are the challenges of
the implementation and try to.
As much as possible for it, because
that's going to allow us in the future
to define our strategy in terms of
do we want to offer QKD within AWS
natively, or we want to continue building
this network of customers doing this.
It's important for us
at the moment to know.
How it's being used and that's
the main part of my work.
And while I'm starting to work
with various partners that
are helping us to get there.
Dan: So I'm picturing a lab with loads
of different QKD devices, um, and lots
of simulation and testing equipment.
And you might not be too
Juan: far wrong on that.
You might not be too wrong on that.
We want to see how they operate and so on.
yeAh, we are definitely testing them.
buT the most important, we could be
doing things in a, inside a room in a
lab all day long and that's definitely
useful, but there is nothing like the.
The customer feedback to learn about
really the implementation of a product
in real life and see how that integration
in the cloud, especially the integration
with the rest of AWS services will
give us the most valuable information.
And that's what I focus
most, most of my time.
I'm talking to those customers and
the partners that are helping us.
Dan: Okay, so look, I know that I
know a little bit about the AWS cloud.
architecture and, the fact you've
got data centers regions all over
the globe, and people need to
connect to those regions somehow if
they want to have a dedicated link.
You mentioned earlier on QKD is
a point to point technology.
And what I wanted to get to was how
do those two things Link together.
I would guess if you were thinking about
offering a QKD protected service at some
point in the future, then the customer is
going to have to host the opposite end of
their QKD link in a your data center or in
the data center where you're your cloud is
hosted or nearby or, whatever it is, the
right architecture, but it's going beyond
needing just an IP connection, right?
You need to have that quantum state
transferred across the network and then to
be able to calculate the keys and so on.
Could you elaborate
Juan: on that?
That's the most obvious use case, right?
If you want to bring this technology close
to the cloud taking into consideration
that is basically a layer two is very
physical level technology, you need to
start operating in, in the data center.
The direct connect service of AWS
is probably the most obvious choice
here, because that allows us to
get very close to our customers in
a typical direct connect facility.
Or co location facility, there
will be a, an AWS rack with an AWS
router and maybe two rows down the
street and that data center will be
a customer or partner router that is
hosting a QKD link all the way to the
customer offices or whatever data they
want to protect on their premises.
And What we are trying to do in with
a couple of partners, and the most
obvious solution is to basically
link those 2 things together.
Obviously, we do not support
in AWS QKD natively today.
There is no a series of QKD boxes that
can be linked together all the way
to the cloud, but there are solutions
that we can put together in order
to offer a quantum resistant end to
end link or connection if we can.
If we use a post quantum
cryptography, right?
The protocols that I was using before.
1st of all, to talk about the QKD
part only a customer might have
already several buildings or several
offices connected with these links.
As I said, they are point to point.
So there's an option to link them together
using what it's called a trusted node
configuration and that allows you to.
To protect extend the, dis the distance
as well and go all the way to the data
center . . And from there we, we have
the choice or the customer has the choice
to, to get a an standard cross connect
connection with direct connect and connect
to an AWS region and protect that part
of the connection with post quantum
cryptography, with with this quantum
safe protocols that way we are generating
keys on, on one side that are QKD keys
and transporting them all the way.
To the cloud using a PQC.
So they get the protection end to end.
This is not something that it's out
and available today, but it's an
interesting area that we are investigating
with our partners and customers.
We hope to be able to get it done
soon as a first step of integration.
Dan: Yeah, it's an interesting
hybrid model to try and connect
the end to end in a more secure.
Quantum safe way.
I had somebody earlier on an anecdote
about people often seeing QKD and PQC.
as competing but actually the, when you
think about it, when you think about
the hybrid architectures there's going
to be, , scenarios like this, where
, they're complementary to each other.
And, um, in this case, the QKD has a
distance limitation and it has a media
limitation, but ultimately you want
to use the keys providing they are.
Renewing themselves frequently enough,
you want to be able to use them into the
rest in the rest of the cloud environment,
Juan: right?
Yeah, you can think about it in
the defense in depth terms as
another layer of protection, right?
Something that you can
add to PQC to get a.
An extra layer of security, and
obviously the state of the devices is not
something that allows to be implemented
in data centers all over the world.
And that easily.
They are still the
standards are being defined.
There's not a clear definition on
how these things should work, or at
least not something that every single
vendor is very clear on how to follow
or how to implement, there are some
conversations going on right now on
how those standards should look like.
But it still is some walk to some
path to walk there to get there.
Dan: Oh, for sure.
Especially when it comes
to the QKD hardware.
That's going to be very bespoke.
Juan: Across every vendor, right?
There's a lot of different
technologies, right?
And so we work with some of the vendors
that are using continuous variables.
Others use discrete variables.
So the way in which you treat the light
in order to create your key material, it
can be very different depending on the.
And the implementation of QKD,
but at the end of the day, what
you get is key material that is
completely quantum in nature.
That is what everyone wants.
Dan: Okay.
So the next topic is,
it's a follow on really.
I know that in the AWS cloud
architecture, you have plenty
of, I'll call them edge nodes.
I think it started with that
post as basically the on prem
cloud managed infrastructure.
And there are others of
different scale and scope.
Does this fit into the offering that
you're going to be building, you think
as a way to provide, off the shelf,
quantum safe Remote compute or on prem
Juan: compute.
Yeah, this is how they are.
Actually, we had a partnership with
Spectral that is a startup in Singapore.
Their main focus is in satellite QKD,
but they are also getting into the
terrestrial QKD and they have been the
1st partner working with us to offer
this solution using edge devices.
Which is nothing but a small version of
the cloud in a box that is ruggedized and
that you can go and take anywhere, right?
This is very useful for certain
environments where there's a rough
environment or where you don't have an
easy access to the cloud, but you still
want to get the same experience being
able to launch for those familiar with
AWS your EC2 instances and S3 buckets
And all those nice terms that cloud
developers want, and at the same time,
being able to use those devices as the end
point of a quantum protected link, right?
If we use QKD and we have a.
Point to point network protected
by QKD can use these devices to put
them at the ends on both ends of the
connection and being able to launch your
client server application or whatever.
It's it matters to you using [QKD]
is an easy way to start testing the
technology in a very safe environment.
And it's also an easy entry point.
That is what.
This probably the solution is the
main feature of it is that it's very
easy to order a snowball or a snow
cone or an outpost server, as you
were mentioning and start testing
the link that you build with QKD.
Dan: Yeah, it fits very well.
I see that
Juan: it's a bit simpler than going
to direct connect directly and having
a presence in the data center that
requires a little bit more, it's more
involved that type of work, but the
snowball or devices is much easier
to implement than the other one.
Dan: Yeah, I guess you're still
going to need the QKD endpoint in
the data center somewhere, right?
Do you know if you'll be hosting
those in the future or I guess you'll
have all the options on the table.
Juan: There's no plans for that.
As far as I know, it's at the
moment, as I said, we want to see
how it's being done by others.
And we are supporting the people who
does this, which in this business to see
how could be implemented with customers.
Dan: Okay.
So another train of thought I had was
around the , the keys that are generated.
Let's say there's a QKD link
for a particular customer.
The keys are generated and
handed into the AWS , cloud.
There's obviously key management software.
But when it comes to the rest of the
cloud infrastructure, and any of
your applications, they don't know
that it's a quantum generated key.
I guess it's it's just something
that's generated locally.
And then , it looks like any other key,
Juan: right?
That's a possible implementation.
You could basically connect two QKD boxes
together start producing key material,
and then you can feed that key material
into a network device a link encryptor.
It's usually called, but it has many
names depending on the layer they
operate, but let's call it a link
encryptor that support and understands
these quantum sources to create keys.
There are more and more vendors that
are starting to support this form of,
key material, and what you do then is
to create a VPN at that level or an
IP sec tunnel between the 2 devices.
Once you have that, it's
basically a matter of plugging
your endpoints on that device.
And then when you run your applications
at whatever OSI layer that you want,
you are starting to consume in the
keys that are provided to you by
the fact that you are in a VPN, but
the endpoints do not need to know.
that the source is a
quantum source, right?
And that makes it an integration with
the cloud very seamless, very natural.
The difficult part is to put
those hardware boxes the QKD
boxes in the right places.
Dan: Yeah, I guess because the key
management can then be owned by
the customers, so you maintain your
AWS cloud security model where...
Ultimately it's up to the customer
to manage their end to end security
and you guys own the infrastructure
underneath That's right.
That's still fits very well with that.
There's no need to change
Juan: that the key
management is important.
You might have even QKD
boxes from different vendors.
Obviously a pair is going to be
always from the same vendor, right?
Alice and Bob, they need to
be from the same manufacturer.
Otherwise this doesn't work.
But after that, you can
basically in theory link.
Other devices from other vendors and
do this trusted node configuration
that I was talking about before.
And if you have a good key management
software as an overlay on top of it,
you should be able to transfer keys
in a safe way from devices that are
not necessarily from the same vendor.
And that's a part that we
are not directly involved in.
At the moment, but
obviously very interested on
investigating and test as well.
With people who does this,,
Dan: Yeah.
So seeing as that you guys are in
the test and research phase still,
and just familiarizing yourself
with the different products on the
market, I wouldn't ask you to do any
comparison or anything, but if you got.
Any view on trends or perhaps
the common behaviors that you're
seeing among different QKD?
Systems things that you like
things that you don't like.
Juan: Yeah, as you said, it's still
way early and I will be doing a
unfair comparison for sure, because
I don't know all the details of it.
What I'm very clear about is that some
of these conversations are started to.
To be very like the mainstream, I'm
thinking on protocols like ETSI 014.
That is one that is being implemented by
almost every vendor that I've talked to.
And if I can write my letter
to Santa Claus on that, it will
be like every single vendor.
Complies to the letter with ETSI
014 is mandating because I will make
the future integrations much easier.
But that on itself is an unfair
statement for them, right?
For the hardware vendors,
because sometimes there are
things or running conditions.
That are not necessarily
defined very specifically.
So there is certain room for
implementation in the implementation
of the protocol that can vary
from one vendor to the other.
And that's still been.
being discussed and being defined.
Hopefully that's more or less
the answer to your question, but
probably it's, I didn't give you
exactly what you were asking for.
Dan: No, that's fine.
That's the authentication.
Juan: That's as political as I can go.
Dan: Yeah, I know.
I'm pushing you.
I appreciate that.
Are you checking things like key rate?
And looking
Juan: at the effectiveness and
Dan: yeah, and you
seeing any trends there?
Are they all in a good place in terms
of performance and, or is there a
big, are there two different areas
of device type or are they all?
fiTting in one particular
threshold, if you like,
Juan: I know there are pros and cons,
with each implementation of QKD, right?
I was mentioning before continuous
variables versus discrete variables, or
the key rates in some cases are higher
than in other cases, but the tolerance
to noise and using existing telecom.
Telco fibers is better in
one case than in the other.
So it's a trade off.
It's a little bit of the
same thing that happens with
quantum computer gates, right?
And sometimes the fidelity, it varies with
the execution time varies with the device.
Here is a little bit of the same.
You might choose a device that gives
you maybe shorter distances to, to
put two links together before you
start losing too much or seem too much
attenuation on your connection, but
however your key rate might be very good.
And you can see the
opposite as well, right?
You can go for a much longer distance,
but maybe your key rates are lower.
Dan: Got it.
Like a lot of quantum technology,
it's a very fine, delicate balance.
Maybe not so much in the networking
space as it is in computing, but
still you got to worry about.
Coherence times, you got to
worry about noise and so on,
Juan: right?
And there are many
implementations of it, right?
And we haven't tested them all.
There are still things that I still
like to get my hands dirty with.
I'm talking about continuous variables
and discrete variables, but there's
just 2 different classifications
on how to . Slice this cake of
getting implementations, right?
We have the measure device
independent option as well.
That adds an extra layer
of security by the way.
It's designed and there's not necessarily
the option to implement BB 84.
that is the most common protocol for QKD.
You can implement all the
protocols and there are some
areas that I haven't explored yet.
And I definitely interested on.
. I'm checking.
I'm pretty sure my team is as well to see
for our purposes, meaning AWS supporting
this one day or how customers are using
it for the workloads that we care.
What will be the best one of all of them?
Or what we will need to how do you say to
opt out in order to gain something better?
Dan: Yeah, I think you're in a strong
position as well to influence the
direction of how things develop
especially in standards uh, domain.
I know you guys are active in ETSI but
also as a key customer probably, or at
least partner to the QKD manufacturers,
then, uh, they'll, they need to
sit up and listen to, any kind of.
Outputs that you have from
this program in due course.
Juan: Yeah, you're right.
We have people in who's part of ETSI.
You are totally right on that.
Our approach here is to just bring our
data and not try to influence in one,
one way or another, because we want to
be part of the conversation and not to
impose a certain way of doing things.
We aim to bring our data, what we
are seeing with customers and that.
On itself should be useful to,
to define how the protocols
are going to look like, right?
That's the purpose.
Dan: I've got to ask
you about entanglement.
Are all of the systems you've looked at
entanglement based or a, most of them?
Prepare and measure because that's
the big difference in the way
that these systems are working
Juan: on paper.
Yeah, most of the the ones we work
with are prepare and measured as
the top uh, key, uh, quantum key
distribution boxes out there are
based on prepare and measure.
Dan: And that's basically
how BB84 works, doesn't it?
In terms of receiving the photons
and then making the calculations of
both ends based on the messaging.
Which ones you received and which
ones you didn't receive and so on.
Juan: That's correct.
If you go usually at 3 percent
of errors, you consider that as
an attack or an eavesdropping.
And then you consider that key material
is not usable and you start over again..
Dan: Okay, thank you Juan.
So a bit more about key management
and I'm jumping about a bit.
I've got a habit of doing that I know
that you guys are looking at something
around centralizing key management
You must you have a key management
application in the cloud already, right?
Are you looking at how?
Multiple QKD systems in a customer
can be managed and, telemetry
can be captured as well as key
Juan: management.
No, so integrating this
with our KMS system is today
completely out of scope, right?
The team is working on supporting, and
I believe they already support some
of the PQC classical Cypher suites
in KMS, uh, but we are not getting
into the business Of trying to be
offer key management for various
vendors, various hardware vendors, but.
What we do, and it's relatively
straightforward integration is
to extract the useful information
from the key management system
and the monitoring systems of
these devices into a visualization
layer that customers can see.
And it's very easy to
implement in the cloud.
we Have another partnership with
Lux Quanta, that is one of the
QKD vendors that are actually
working with us on this and.
They will very soon be offering
this solution to their customers.
Basically, it's a matter of bringing
all the key metrics of how your key is
used, key buffers, key rates, errors, and
all this useful stuff into a front end.
That customers can consume, it can be a
Kibana based database or Grafana, sorry,
Grafana based database or visualization
layer with time log series and a database
for logs as well to analyze those logs.
And it's this is very easy to
integrate in the cloud, because at
this point, number 1, there is no more
secret information that needs to be.
Protected it, this is the control plane.
So it's nothing that
nothing secret on itself.
A number 2 is very easy
to integrate in the cloud.
We have many years of experience of
building resilient applications that
scale and that provide that seamless.
Experience for the customer, they
will have a dashboard where you
can see everything that is going
on your system and then you can
analyze logs and see what's going on.
That's something that is more
classical in nature, but the
information comes from a quantum.
Dan: Yeah, of course, once you've
pulled the telemetry and then you
can do whatever you want with it.
And anything that you can do
to make I suppose the AWS cloud
more attractive people to, to
consume is what it's all about.
Juan: As you can see, all I'm trying
to do here is to go around and get as
close as I can of from the cloud as
the technology allows me to do today.
Of allows us to do today.
Of course.
And this is a ver a very nice way.
Yeah, it's a natural fit,
Dan: Excellent.
Thank you for all of that.
I guess just looking forward a
bit in terms of AWS strategy or
goals that you have personally with
this technology what's the next
six, 12, 24 months hold for you?
Do you think that you can
share with the audience?
Juan: Sure thing.
So it's in the name of my title, right?
Trying to be a technology advocate.
I want people to understand what are
the benefits of using this technology?
I want to keep explaining what
are the difference between PQC and
QKD and what benefits it bring.
If I'm placing myself or Envisioning
myself 1 year from now, I'd like to
have a lot of companies that have
come with us to the edge, either
in direct connect facility or using
the devices and they are testing it.
They are pushing the limits of the
technology, defining the standards
and we have a lot of valuable data for
us to decide what's going to happen
in 2 years, 3 years time from now.
How are we going to use this
technology and keep innovating on
the name of the customer, basically,
Dan: and in terms of getting closer
to the the quantum computing part
of AWS, does that fall more into
the repeater and quantum memories?
Development that the rest of the team are
Juan: doing that's a natural
use case for quantum repeaters.
Yeah entanglement distribution that, that
is based on that technology is a natural
fit for things like private computing and
things like that, that will ensure that.
That you can use quantum computers and
connect quantum computers with each
other in using also quantum technologies.
foR QKD is this also
potential integration, right?
But they are not different to what
we have discussed today, right?
Treating that quantum computer
just as another end point that is
going to be sending data somewhere.
And we have some interesting things there.
We are working on, but that.
Dan: Great.
Oh, that's great.
Maybe we can have you back in a year or
so to talk about some of these things.
I'D love that.
Me too.
Yeah, definitely interested to,
to hear some more about your
repeater in due course as well.
So listen, one final topic an open ended
one about academia and open source,
are there any projects that you're
tracking or involved in or perhaps.
that your colleagues are involved
in that you're particularly excited
about and would like to share.
Juan: don't know much in terms
of involvement, but things that
I particularly like, try to
read and I find fascinating.
It's all about for example, the
OpenQKD project that is aimed to create
and extend a secure communication
network based on in Europe.
That's a pretty, pretty cool project.
But also there are for
people to try at home.
Let's say there are tools like
the QKD sim that allows the
simulation of various QKD protocols.
And so that's something that people can.
Can go and check libraries that
are also out there the Q crypto is
a library in Python that is open
source and basically allows you to
understand the principles of QKD.
This has been super useful for me
to wrap my head around some of the
concepts in a very practical way.
In a more general term, I.
Particularly fascinated about satellite
is not something that we are heavily
involved today, but just because our
partnership with the spectral, I get to
learn a lot about it and there is a lot of
work out there on space based to ensure.
Global secure communications.
This is following the experiment that
the Chinese did with the satellite that
you, I'm pretty sure you know about.
Dan: Yeah.
I find that whole topic
really interesting.
It intersects with some of my work
at at Cisco, also in the LEO space.
And yeah, the combination of the two
technologies is pretty fascinating.
In fact, there's been lots of
satellites launched and tests
ongoing and plans in the pipe.
It's amazing that they can hold a single
photon source over that kind of distance.
Even with a static satellite
it's just it's just amazing.
And then when you think about the speeds
of traveling in LEO or beyond, and it's
just amazing that technology can work.
When it comes to entanglement distribution
and that's obviously a great place to
do it from because of the distances
you can get and with things like
phase stabilisation and stuff and
all the different error correction
that can be built into the forwarding
of Photons over free space optics and
you yeah, super interesting domain.
Juan: It's a matter of
infrastructure to mature, right?
And being able to implement
these things at the scale.
That's what we all want.
I think for this type of technology,
Dan: Hey, maybe we should do a
quantum satellite Discussion at
some point in the future as well.
Juan: I know a couple of people
in my team that would be very
pleased to chat about that.
It's fascinating to talk
to them, to be honest.
They are the real experts on this,
and you can see that sparkle on
their eyes when they talk about it.
And that's always very, I don't know,
to me, it's very refreshing to see
people that really what they do.
And they are experts on
their field, obviously.
Dan: Yeah, excellent.
One thing I've got to mention because
you spoke about QKD simulator
or the kind of open QKD model.
Just you may not already know,
but my colleague, Steve, he
normally runs this podcast with me.
He's developed QNetLab, which is a
quantum network simulator fairly recently.
So you should check that out.
We're going to probably the next
episode or the one after that.
We're going to do a
session talking about that.
So keep your eyes
Juan: peeled and I wasn't aware.
Dan: Yeah.
And happy to have a followup call with you
on that, but anyway, we're going off topic
again, as I often do uh, Juan, thank you
very much.
Fantastic conversation and
covered some great ground there.
Let's let's reconnect.
At some point, but for
now I'll say goodbye.
Juan: Thanks very much, Dan.
Thanks for having me.
Dan: I'd like to take this moment to
thank you for listening to the podcast.
Quantum networking is such a broad domain
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